Oasis Mala Necklace

Oasis Mala Necklace


108 bead, hand knotted Mala necklace

8mm beads - 39” around

An oasis, in spiritual terms, represents refreshment and the idea of being able to put difficulties to one side for a time. Most people see an oasis as a place of refuge in a desert. Because of its association with water, in dreams it becomes a place where we can give and receive whatever emotional refreshment is required.


Chrysocolla ~ is said to be a stone of communication. It discharges negative energies, calms, and allows truth and inner wisdom to surface and be heard. It calms emotional stress and inspires one to be truthful to oneself and relieves anxiety. Chrysocolla is powerful for opening and stimulating the Throat Chakra, allowing one to channel the loving knowledge of the heart to others.

Picture Jasper ~ is a grounding and harmonizing stone with a strong connection to the earth. It is said to promote feelings of responsibility towards the planet, encouraging a need to care for and protect it.

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